Monday, September 19, 2005

More on Life in PR

Sept. 19 – Still no phone hooked up yet, but the cable company came today with a bill for $170 – I didn’t pay them and we plan to contact the company and revise our service request! Other handymen were here (at the landlord’s request), finishing projects on the house which didn’t quite get done before we arrived. None of the handymen spoke English, but everything got figured out anyway. Tony (our landlord) and his wife, Ely (pronounced Ellie), both speak English very well, but weren’t here until the handymen were basically done with their work. I need a crash course in Spanish really badly!

Lily is sick today. She’s got a fever. She’s been on antibiotics for 5 days already for an ear infection, but evidently it’s just not working. It’s so sad to see her all lethargic. Hopefully it will break overnight.

The flora here is so incredibly different than home. All the tropical plants that I so carefully grow indoors at home grow outdoors here and are about as common as petunias are at home! Several of our neighbors have orchids growing in baskets along the trunks of palm trees in their front yards.

We saw a toad the size of a baby rabbit in our driveway on Saturday evening. So cool! There are lizards around, too.

The weather is like the weather at ECHO, only hotter and more humid, if you can even imagine!

The tropics grow bugs very nicely. It’s hard to keep the kitchen free of ants and fruit flies, even when all the food is put away. Bring on the Tupperware! There was a large (1.5”?) cockroach, belly-up, in the bathroom at church. I was advised to contract with the exterminators to come monthly to our home (I don’t plan to follow through with that unless it’s absolutely necessary).

Ben went to get milk tonight… it’s $4/gallon here!

We know that we need to post pictures desperately… we’ll try and do that after we get on-line at home.


At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben and Anna,

Thanks for sharing all this is interesting and fun to read and share in all that you are seeing and experiencing.

How exciting to experience and learn in another culture. I know that you will take away much through all this. Hang in there and give both the girls a hug from Grandpa.


At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's so fun to hear all your experiences. everything you wrote about the traffic, the tile floors, the motorcycles is exactly like life in the DR. I just wish i could be there to experience it with you so much. i hope Lily starts feeling better. love you all.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Meg said...

It sounds like you are having a great number of adventures in your new (temp) home! And hooray for WalMart. I miss you guys, but I'm glad you got to worship at a good church this Lord's Day. I hope Lily feels better soon.



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