Highlights and Lowlights
Highlight of yesterday: Our grocery store is near a ravine that is really over-grown, kind of jungle-like. When I pulled into the parking lot facing the ravine, up in the tree was the most enormous reptile I have ever seen, something like a several foot long iguana. One of the onlookers was joking that he was going to lasso it. It was absolutely huge, on the scale of something you see in the zoo, not the pet store. Very cool.
Lowlight: A recent biopsy confirmed that my Grandma Magill has breast cancer. She is 83. We don't know how extensive the cancer is yet, but intially, things don't sound real great considering her already delicate health situation. Pray for wisdom for the Drs. and our family.
So sorry to hear about your Grandma Magill. We will be praying for her and the Doctors.
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