Sunday's News
Here's our schedule starting Friday (3/31) until we leave on Weds. (4/5):
Friday - Ben's last day at work
Saturday - pack, pack, pack, & do a little shopping
Sunday - rest; good-bye party at church in the evening
Monday - finish packing; movers come to take our shipment of stuff which should get to our house 10 days - 2 weeks after we do. Start a little cleaning? Finish any little odds and ends.
Tuesday - we clean in the morning; friends come to help us do the heavy cleaning (under furniture, etc) in the afternoon. Tuesday night we will stay at a hotel by the beach for one last time by the ocean.
Wednesday - our flight leaves at 12:45 p.m. We will be in Indy by 8 p.m., Lord willing.
Lots of mixed feelings on leaving: sad to leave friends here, excited to see friends and family at home.
Other news:
Curious to hear what others think about the current proposals concerning illegal immigration. Have read several perspectives and there are a lot of sides to consider: Are we assimilating immigrants well? Will Republicans "polarize" themselves against Hispanic voters? Should we grant "amnesty" to so many illegals? My personal question is: What is happening to the second and third generation of illegal immigrants? Are they staying and working like their parents, or are they (and their parents?) milking their citizenship by birth for government benefits (housing, healthcare, food stamps, etc.)? Additionally, I would like to see the government grant citizenship by birth only to children of citizens; it doesn't seem right that someone of illegal status can birth someone who has legal status. Thoughts? Forward any links to me with articles addressing these issues...
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