Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday comments

Yesterday we went back to the library, and to Bible study, otherwise we've stayed in this week so that the girls could rest well (or at least be given the opportunity to!) and kick these colds. Mariah seems to be responding well to the antibiotics, her nose isn't running, and she is happier overall. Lily also seems to be doing better. We've only made a small dent in that stash of PediaCare (this is not a complaint!).

We have learned how to say "My name is" in Spanish. Thanks to everyone who filled us in. If we have any more language questions we'll just post them here...

I just finished reading Honey for a Child's Heart. Thanks mom, for the copy. This is an excellent book to encourage parents to read to their children and as a family. It also includes a large annotated bibleography to help choose good children's books.
Reading board books in Spanish is an interesting way to get in a little Spanish vocab. practice. Our library has several of those, but many titles are in English. My 2 favorite finds in the children's section this week: Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allen Ahlberg (I can quote this one from when I was little), and Under the Window by Kate Greenaway (stories and rhymes for children with KG's adorable illustrations. First published in 1879).

We have had a very hard time finding a source for whole wheat flour. Evidently no one bakes with it here as no Super K, WalMart, or other grocery store carries it. I paid $5 for 5# bag at a health food store yesterday, and the price just about killed me (but it's still cheaper than buying WW bread). Tonight on the phone our pastor told us that he and his wife know where to buy it in 50# bags, and that we can go in on part of a bag with them. Isn't God good?

We are attempting to potty train Lily. We will not keep a running tally on this blog of accidents vs. successes. Check back in a few years to verify that we succeeded. We will comment that she is rather taken with the concept of a "treat" or "tee-free" (as she says) for going potty (1 plain M&M. Generous, aren't we? But hey, when your child has hardly ever tasted M&Ms, just 1 tastes wonderful!). She's figuring out how to work the system and get as many treats as possible, and I've spent more time in the bathroom (and wiping the tile floor) than I'd care to recount. And yes, mom, we're using the M&Ms to teach her her colors (a tried and true Magill tradition).


At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on having such a pleasant (even humorous) attitude re: potty training. Keep it up! It is quite amazing to me that Lily is already co-operating with the appropriate Pavlovian response!
Also glad that the ears are clear.
Eliz has had quite a nasty cough, but it is improving, enough to swim in a meet today (10-29). Love, Mom

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Anna

I just sent you an e-mail regarding your list of items to be sent. When you have time, check out our website... I will add you to the list of blogs we have. Gotta go do some yard work : -) It is still so warm here we will be cutting the grass till the end of Nov.!!!

adios amiga


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