Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Still alive

We've been a bit busy lately. Sorry for the absence of posts. I'll try to capture the last couple of months briefly.

12/5 Paul was born
12/16 Esther's wedding to Chris Crane in Cleveland, OH. We all went.
12/22-25 Christmas holidays in Bloomington with Larsons and in W. Lafayette with Magills
12/26 We got word that Ben's grandpa's cancer was back in full force.
12/27-30 We directed the high school winter conference. Paul was the youngest conferee on record. My mom stayed with the girls at our house.
1/3 We switched the water piping in our house from the old system to the new, including a new water heater and softener which we needed. Over the next several weeks, we had to keep working out the details of this and finishing the hooking up of our fixtures to the new piping.
1/6 We went to Indy and visited Ben's grandpa with the whole family
1/8 Ben's grandpa passed away.
1/11 Lily's birthday
1/12-13 Calling and family gathering remembering Ben's grandpa
We spent one more weekend in Indy helping with Grandpa's house
2/2 Immanuel Reformed Presbyterian was organized. Ben was elected to be an elder.
2/4 First morning and evening worship of IRPC
2/7 Ben's first session meeting
2/9 Paul weighs in at 13# 6 oz.
2/13 Record snowfalls for Lafayette. 4+ ft. tall drifts.
2/14 Purdue students having a snow day come over and help us nearly complete the last pieces of our piping project. Thank you !!
2/23-24 We are having a little family trip with Ben's family to Chicago to shop and visit the important Czech places from which Deda always purchased Czech food for us. Lily is more excited about staying in a hotel (she remembers this from Esther's wedding) and going swimming.
I am so thankful that the recovery from Paul's birth has gone amazingly well. God's grace, some mental preparation, and Dr. Wickert's skill came together to make his birth as smooth as possible.

Must go, it's late. Hope to get pictures posted eventually.


At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. It will be nice to keep up on your family this way since we no longer see you weekly.

At 6:20 AM, Blogger BamFam said...

Happy 3,3,3,3 day to only happens once!


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