Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sabbath ramblings...

We approached one of the ladies at church this morning about informally helping us to learn Spanish. She was an English teacher for 21 years, but has never formally taught Spanish before. She is our current "best candidate" for someone to help us, and we hope she'll accept.

One practice that IBB (our church) maintains is that of an Old Testament and New Testament Scripture reading each Lord's Day (OT in the evening, NT in the morning). I enjoy this practice because eventually the congregation hears the whole Word of God read from the pulpit. We are currently reading the last few chapters of Ezekiel in the evening service...when was the last time you heard those chapters read in worship?

This past Tuesday we had a little baby shower for Karen Lebron (her family came to our house for lunch 2 weeks ago) hosted by some of the women from the Thursday Bible study at Calvary.

Potty training is going ok. There is more parent-training in this process than I anticipated, and I occasionally have to resist the temptation to put her back in diapers because diapers are more convenient for me (I can't believe I'm actually admitting this).

Should a parent be concerned when his/her under-2-year-old knows what coffee is and pretends to drink it?

I learned how to use the hem rolling foot on my sewing machine this week. The work this foot can do looks very professional and could not possibly be replicated by hand. It is also immensely easier to use the foot than to try to roll a narrow hem by hand.

Speaking of sewing machine feet, did you know that a foot exists that will fold and put on binding perfectly for you? I'm thinking this may go on my Christmas list. I can think of lots of cool ways and handy times to use such a device, and doing binding by hand is very tedious.

Ben's parents are coming on Thursday and we are really looking forward to their visit. We've identified a few places on the island that we'd like to check out while they are here. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures to post.


At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys. That's so cool that lilly is pretending to drink coffee. That's even sooner than me!

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie likes coffee (toppee) too. I finally got a new sewing machine--a Viking. It's pretty basic, but nicer than anything I've ever had before. I enjoy hearing about your sewing. After I finish my mending, I'll start exploring the world of feet :)


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