Friday, July 21, 2006

2 Omas = 2x the fun

Pictures from the farm. The Diesel 2520 is a rare find in the world of tractors and was recently added to the farm collection. The birth of six baby kittens while we were there was a highlight, as were the wagons - for work and fun. And as always, Oma's basement induced many good long sleeps.

Electric Slide

Pictures from spending the weekend with Nonna and Grandpa (Ben's parents). Great times were had by all (and much tiredness ensued later).

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Quotes from the farm

From Lily:
"Where my two Omas?"
"Want get 'keeker (squeeker) kiss my oyert (other) Oma."
"Where Auntie Yiz (Liz)?"
"I miss my cousins." (after leaving to go to bed at night)

From Mariah:
arm - Oma - Opa - Heidi - kitty - doggie - eat - go potty